Explain Chain Locker, Spurlingpipe, Hawspipe, Bitter end

 Chain Locker 

> A compartment located under the windlass where the anchor chains are stowed

 > It is usually subdivided inside by a longitudinal bulkhead. 

 > Chain locker is to be made watertight to the weather deck

 > Fitted between upper and second deck, below second deck or in forecastle, FWD of the collision bulkhead. 

 > It should have adequate volume to accommodate anchor chain

 > Stiffeners are fitted outside the locker to prevent damage from the chains.

Spurling pipe or Chain pipe

 > A pipe or tube through which an anchor chain passes to the chain locker below the deck of a ship

 > Top of the chain or spurling pipe have Canvas Sleeves to keep the water from entering the chain locker. Any fluid accumulated in the chain locker is removed by educators for direct discharge overboard.

 > Hinged door is fitted in forward bulkhead giving access to the locker from the store space.

Hawse pipe

 > A cast-iron or steel pipe placed in the bows of a ship on each side of the stem for the anchor chains to pass through and provide an easy lead for the cable from the windlass to the anchors

 > One connection from fireline is given to wash out the mud and dirt from the anchor chain

Bitter End

> The end of a chain secured in the chain locker of a vessel which is attached to the hull by a quick release mechanism known as the bitter end. 

> End of the cable connected to the deck or Bulkhead in the chain locker.


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