Asked Objective Questions Safety part 2

51.As per definition of MARPOL Annex-1, a Crude oil tanker means a tanker designed to carry:
A. Crude oil and other dirty oils
B. Crude oil alongwith some refined products
C. Crude oil only
D. Crude oil, but aUematively may carry at times dkty and clean oil products also

52.1f you observe any situation which presents a safety or pollution hazard during fuel transfer operations on a MODU, which of the listed actions should be taken first?
A. Wait for the person-in-charge to act.
B. Notify the ballast control operator.
C. Shutdown the transfer operations
D. Sound the fire alarm.

53.An inert gas system installed on a tanker is designed to.......
a. aid in the stripping and cleaning of cargo tanks
b. increase the rate of discharge of cargo
c. force toxic and explosive fuems from a cargo tank to vent to the out side atm
d. lower the oxygen levels inside cargo tanks, making the explosion nearly impossible

54.Your ship is sinking rapidly. A container containg an inflatable life raft has bobbed to the surface upon function of hydrolic release which action should you take?
a. Cut the painter line so it will not pull the life raft container down.
b. Swim away firom the container so you will not be in danger as it goes down.
c. Take no action because the painter will cause the liferaft to inflate and open the container.
d. Manually open the container and inflate the liferaft with the hand pump.

55.The atmosphere is too lean if it is..............
a. incapable of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon content is below the LFL (Lower
Flammable Limit)
b. capable fire of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon content is above the UFL (Upper
Flammable limit
c. capable of supporting a fire once started
d. not safe for ballasting

56.Inflatable life rafts are less maneuverable than lifeboats due to their
a. shape
b. shallow draft
c. large sail area
d. All of the above

57. What is the generally accepted method of determining whether the atmosphere within a cargo tank is
explosive, too rich, or too lean to support combustion?
a. Use the open flame test on a small sample that has been taken from the tank. •
b. Send a gas sample ashore for laboratory analysis.
c. Enter the tank with an oxygen analyzer.
d. Use an explosimeter

 58.You as a fourth engineer have taken over watch from third engineer. He said OWS is running in 0 ppm.
But after taking over watch you observed that fresh water flushing valve is crack open. After closing it, suddenly the oil content has exceeded 15ppm. What will you do?
a. shut the OWS & inform CEO.
b. shut the OWS but no need to inform anyone.
c. Don't touch the appratus & inform CEO.
d. Just check that there is no visible colour/oil traces in sea water so don't have to inform

59.Intact stability book is provided by...:
c Load Line Convention
d. Load line Protocol

60.As per STCW code, the abilities specified under standards of competance are grouped under
functions, for the purpose of issuing certificates of  competancy
A. Seven
B. Four
C. Six
D. Three

61.As per definition of MARPOL Annex 1 a product tanker is one which can carry:
A. Oils and chemicals
B. Oils other than crude oils
C. Oil product and occasional crude oils
D. Mainly chemical products at times refined oil products

 62.Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for bunker oil pollution
damage is issued under...............
A. CLC l 969 convension
B. MARPOL convention
C. Bunker convention 2001
D. CLC 1992 convention

63.What is the generally accepted method of determining whether the atmosphere within a cargo tank
explosive, too rich, or too lean to support combustion?
a. Use the open flame test on a small sample that has been taken from the tank.
b. Send a gas sample ashore for laboratory analysis.
c. Enter the tank with an oxygen analyzer.
d. Use an explosimeter

64.Which of the following is not a requirement under MARPOL Aimex V I , for new engines?
A. A l l engines above 130 KW to be tested and issued with EIAPP certificate and Nox Technical file.
B. Life boat engines and emergency diesel engines to be also tested and issued with EIAPP certificate and Nox
Technical File
C. Periodical verification of EIAPP certificate is mandatory even when there has been no modification in the
D. Engines installed prior to the Nox technical code being applicable w i l l not be subject to certificate testing unless they undergo major conversion

65.Following should not be done to a person in frostbite.
a. Rubbing effected area.
b. Ask him to rest.
c. Remove wet cloths
d. Give him something warm to drink.

67.Procedure to obtain radio medical advice can be found in
a. First aid box.
b. Code of safe working procedure.
c. Safety management manual.
d. The ship captain medical guide.

68.Imo convention for voyage data recorder (VDR).
a. COLRAG 1972.
b. SAR 1972.
c. SOLAS 1974. (CHAPTER V)
d. SALVAGE 1981

69.EEDI is the Technical measure adopted by IMO to reduce....
a. Greenhouse gas.
b. SOx
c. NOx
d. None of the above

70. Life boat should be capable of starting at........
 a. -15 dgr with in 2mints
b. - 5 dgr with in 2min
c. 15 dgr with in 2 min
d. 5 dgr within 2min

71.Which of the following is not a requirement under MARPOL Annex V I for engine?
a. All engine above 130 KW need to be tested.
b. Periodic verification of ELAPP certificate is mandatory.
c. Life boat engine & other Diesel engine used for emergency need to be tested and issue with ELAPP
d. Engine installed prior to new tech code w i l l not be subjected to certificate testing unless they iundergo major convention.

 72.What Agreement of hire called, in which the owner agreed to transport an agreed volume oi
specific period. The charter designates cargoes and loading date but owner nominate suitable vessel
are not normally named in agreement.
a. Time charter.
b. Voyage charter.
c. Bare boat charter.
d. Contract of frightment.

73.When performing CPR, we must do chest compression..........
a. 12 to 15 times/min.
b. 16 to 18 times/min.
c. 2 to 5 tunes/min.
d. 18 to 19 times/min.

74.The parent instrument of IMO is:
A. UNCLOSI, 1958
B. UNCLOS n , 1960
C. UNCLOSm, 1974
D. The IMO convention

75.Which of the following is a man overboard maneuver?
A. Neil Robertson turn
B. Williamson tum.
C. Hard port
D. Hard starboard.

76.Which of the following statements about LRIT is false
A. Regulation on LRTT is included in Chpter V of OLAS
B. LRIT is no longer range than AIS
C. LRIT, like AIS, is a broadcast system that transmits information about ship's identity, location date and time of position to all in range
D. LRIT and AIS should not have any interface

77.Which of the following instruments set out carrier's obligations and liabilities with respect to carriage Of
A. Hague Rule
B. Hamburg rules
C Hague- visby rules
D.A11 of the above

78.Under which maritime instrument is a Certificate of Financial Responsibility (COFR) issued?
A. CLC 1992
B. Fund convention
D. OPA 1990

79.Inert Gas System on board tankers is used during which of the following operations-
A.Inerting of empty tanks
B.Inerting during crude oil washing
C. Purging before gas freeing
D.All of the above

80.Following items must be verified prior to using the Oily water separator onboard
A. 15ppm alarm and auto shut down of bilge pump
B. Oil and water interface
C. Position of the  vessel
D. All of the above

81.Which of the following certificates issued to ship does not have predetermined validity for limited
A. International Load Line Certificate
B. International to image certificate
C. Cargo Ship safety certificate
D. Safety Management Certificate

82.what declare under SOLAS convection
C. Procedure and arrangement manual
D. Bulk carrier booklet

83.As per Indian Merchant Shipping Act, 1958, which of the following entries should be made in officiallog book of ships?
A. Every case of illness, hurt or injury to a member of the crew
B. Every case of death on board
CEvery birth happening on board
D. A l l of the above

84.Prior to man entry into an empty cargo tank of an LNG carrier,what should be the first operational
procedure adopted?
A. Purging
B. Aerating
C. Inerting
D. Warming

 85.During major repair work in enclosed space on board
A. Keep log of entry and exit time of personnel
B. Keep adequate first aid equipment at the entrance
C. Provide refreshments
D. None of the above

 86.Inert Gas System should be capable of delivering Inert Gas at the rate of at least
A. 110% of the maximum rate of cargo discharge capacity of the ship
B. 133.33% of the maximum rate of cargo discharge capacity of the ship
C. 125% of the maximum rate of cargo discharge capacity of the ship
D. 90% of the maximum rate of cargo discharge capacity of the ship

87.A record of the type and strengths of steels used on a MODU must be included in the
A. General plans •
B. Builder's documentation
C. Certificate of inspection
D. Construction porfplio

88.Old machinery space log book are
A. To refer and clarify in case of any query
B. For purpose of internal and external audits
C. To safe guard the chief engineer:
D. None o f the Above

89.The master or person in charge o f a MODU is required to log
A. the date and hour of each fire drill
B. the names of all persons on board
C. only casualties which occur while underway
D. every event occurring on board

90.Which is the only gas product, allowed by gas codes, to be burnt in ship's boilers?
B. Ethylene
C. Butane

91.Following items must be verified prior to using the Oily water separator onboard
A. 15ppm alarm and auto shutdown of bilge pump
B. Oil and water interface level
C. Position of the vessel
D. A l l of the above

92.When giving mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing to an adult, you should breathe at the rate of how many
breaths per minute?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 12
d. 20

93.In reference to accidental oil pollution, the most critical time during bunkering is when
a. starting of operation
b.horses are being disconnected
c. final topping off is occurring
d. hoses are being disconnected

94.Life buoy self-activating smoke should emit smoke of visible color  for at least...... in cam water
A. 5 minutes
B. 15 minutes
C. 30 minutes
D. 60 minutes

95.The number within bracket of a resolution, say A 526(13) refers to........
a. The serial No. of the resolution.
b. The session No. in which the resolution was adopted
c. The sub paragraph o f the resolution.
d. The No. of clauses in the resolution

96.Which of the following statements is true?
A. Ballast water exchange at mid ocean eliminates completely the risks associated with introduction of non native organisms and pathogens in alien habitats.
B. In the flow through method, the water pumped through a tank should be 3 times tank volume
C. Over pressurization of a tank cannot take place during the flow through method
D. Air pipes on ballast tanks are designed for continuations overflow

97.Which of the following will lead to automatic stopping of IG blower?
a. Low water level in deck water seal.
b. Oxygen content above 8%.
c. Low water level in scrubber tower.
d. High water level in scrubber tower.

98.Intact capacity of foam min capacity.
A. 5It.
B. 9lt
D none

99.EEDI is the Technical measure adopted by IMO to reduce
a. Greenhouse gas.
b. SOx
c NOx
d. None of the above

100.Which of the following extinguishing medium should never be used when fighting fire involving
A. Halon
B. Dry Chemical powder
C. Water
D. C02

101.Which of the following organs of IMO consists of all member states?
A. council
B. Assembly
C. Facilitation commete
D. None of the above

102.Which of the following anti fouling paint is an accepted alternative to now banned TBT (ORGANISATION TRIBUTYLN) based paint.
a. DOT based anti fouling paint.
b. Arsenic based anti fouling paint.
c. Mercmy based anti fouling paint.
d. Copper based anti fouling paint.

103.As per requirements of Marpol Annex -1, all ships o f 400 gross tonnage and above:
A. Can carry fuel oil m fore peak, aft peak tanks and deep tanks
B. Cannot carry fuel oil in fore peak tank
C. Can carry fuel oil forward o f collision bulkhead or aft of machinery space forward bulk head but not in the cargo area in case of tankers
D. Cannot carry more than 600 m3 of oil fuel in any single fuel tank

104.The explosive range of petroleum vapors mixed with air is
a. 0%tol%
b. l % t o 10%
c. 10% to 15% not sure
d. 12% to 20% not sure

105.As per Marpol requirements, Every crude oil tanker of............... tones deadweight and above delivered after 1st Jun 1982, shall be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system using
A. 5000, Sea Water Washing
B. 10000, Fresh Water Washing
C. 20000, Crude Oil Washing
D. 30000, Bilge Water Washing

106.Under which maritime instrument is a Certificate of Financial Responsibility (COFR) issued?
A. CLC 1992
B. Fund convention
D. OPA 1990


>> Your Comments are always appreciated...
>> Discussion is an exchange of knowledge It Make the Mariner Perfect.... Please Discuss below...

  1. Prior to man entry into an empty cargo tank of an LNG carrier,what should be the first operational
    procedure adopted?
    A. Purging
    B. Aerating
    C. Inerting
    D. Warming
    ANS IS B

    1. here they r asking 1st operational procedure... its on d following sequence
      so we can say 1st operational procedure is warming...

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