Different Types Of Emergency Alarms In Ship

General Alarm: 

> Pattern: 7 short ringing of the bell followed by a long ring or using the ship horn signal of 7 short blasts followed by 1 long blast

> Situation: Any Emergency. it may be fire, collision, grounding, or a scenario which can lead to abandoning ship etc

> Activation: Navigation bridge (Activate generally by Duty Officer) 

> Action:  Follow the instruction and duty as per muster list and proceed to muster station.

Fire Alarm

> Pattern: Continuous ringing of ship’s electrical bell or continuous sounding of ship’s horn.

> Situation: At the time of Fire

> Activation: Fire alarm switch in any deck (Any crew who see a fire)

> Action: Proceed to the fire station, locate fire, Perform the duty listed in the muster list 

Man Overboard Alarm

> Pattern: 3 long ring of ship's electrical bell, 3 long blasts on ship whistle to inform the other ships nearby.

> Situation: At the time of Man Overboard

> Activation: Navigation bridge

> Action: Proceed to muster stations to assist in the recovery of the person

Abandon Ship Alarm

> Pattern: Verbally by the master to the station in-charge or the crew on ship’s Personal Addressing (PA) system.

> Situation: Ship is no longer safe for the crew 

> Activation: Navigation bridge

> Action: Proceed to muster stations. Perform the duty listed in the muster list 

Machinery Space CO2 Alarm

> Pattern: Audible and visual alarm, entirely different from machinery space alarm and other ship alarm signals for easy recognition.

> Situation: At the time of  co2 fire extinguisher release

> Activation: From fire control room  Upon opening the release cabinet door of co2 fire extinguisher

> Action: Evacuate engine room, Proceed to muster stations

Cargo Space CO2 Alarm:

> Pattern: Audible and visual alarm, entirely different from other ship alarm signals for easy recognition.

> Situation: At the time of  co2 fire extinguisher release

> Activation: From fire control room  Upon opening the release cabinet door of co2 fire extinguisher

> Action: Evacuate protected space, Proceed to muster stations

Ship Security Alarm System:

> Pattern: No alarm is sounded onboard ship

> Situation: At the time of Pirate Attack

> Activation: Two security alert switch provided, one on bridge other on any prominent position. All crew should know the position of switches

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